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Batchelor Flynn

Resumen biográfico

There have been many times where a new technological development have brought about predictions of the demise of an older technology. It was widely proclaimed that television would kill radio and the movies. Some also said that the emergence of online stores and commerce would kill traditional physical retailing. Along the same line of thought, many predicted the end of physically printed news websites like in Nigeria and newspapers with the advent of digital publishing of these media. None of these predictions have as of yet come true, but the growing presence and benefits of digital news websites like in Nigeria and newspapers is a fact.

Readers of newspapers and news oriented news websites like in Nigeria have always wanted to know what's going on in a current and accurate fashion. Of course they like to be entertained as well. Print media has done a good job with this, but it can't compare to digitally published media that is distributed via the internet. With the prevalence of the internet, readers want to know what's going on NOW, not yesterday or even many hours ago. Very importantly, many readers today don't want to hear just from reporters or editors, but from other readers as well. This doesn't mean just a reader opinion piece, but where the readers themselves become the source and contributors of the news.

Kano news

Along this line of thought, readers today also want news and information media to be very reader relevant and interactive. They want to be able to "search" the publication for relevant information, not just rely on static tables of contents, indexes or summaries. Most of these reader demanded attributes require the media to be truly interactive on a real time basis. This can only be accomplished via digital publishing.