On the regularization problem with functions generalized

Rafael Antonio Niño Rodríguez, Ariel l Rey Becerra Becerra



In physics and mathematics, there are idealized concepts exist, such as the density of a material point, the point density, the intensity of an instantaneous source, etc., These are necessary for real engineering and physical problems. Treating this type of concepts correctly is done with the theory of generalized functions, it´s properties are outside the framework of the properties of conventional functions. The concept of generalized function is a generalization of the conventional concept of function and encompasses functions that contain singular points. In order to mathematically treat this type of functions or functions, it is necessary to introduce regularization processes. In this article we analyze the process of regularization of singular functions with generalized functions and compare the integrity of the function before and after the regularization.


Keywords: Generalized functions, distributions, regularization, information


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24054/01204211.v2.n2.2019.3539

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