Fostering Students’ English Fluency Through Direct And Indirect Language Learning Strategies In Efl Contexts.
This paper addresses the importance of fostering students' English fluency in a private school with a learning range of instructional hours between 10 to 15 per week by using direct and indirect Language Learning Strategies (Oxford, 1990) since the lack of L2 students communicative competences is a general concern in our society. This research draws upon two focus groups composed of young EFL learners to obtain data that supports the scarce and limited learning processes in terms of communicative and pragmatic competences, and how the strategies mentioned above may have an impact on their spoken performance. This action research does not advise grammar-related language configurations, rather examines fluency and its development in our EFL context, given that English is the most widely spread language in the current globalized society and having a good command of the language may ensure a promising academic and professional future.
Key words: Communicative competence, direct and indirect language learning strategies, fluency in pragmatics, pragmatic competence, speaking fluency, three I’s methodology.
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