Implementación de un sistema de reconocimiento de personas utilizando un filtro discriminante sintético calculado como una combinación lineal de imágenes en el dominio de frecuencias
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ART 8Referencias
F. YU, Introduction to diffraction, information processing, and holography. England: The MIT Press, 1973.
J. Goodman, Introduction to Fourier optics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968.
A. Vander Lugt, Signal detection by complex spatial filtering. IEEE transactions on Information, Vol. 10, (1964), p. 139.
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C.F.Hester and D. Casasent, Multivariant technique for multiclass pattern recognition, App. Opt., 19, 1758-1761, 1980.
F. YU, Introduction to diffraction, information processing, and holography. England: The MIT Press, 1973.
J. Goodman, Introduction to Fourier optics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968.
A. Vander Lugt, Signal detection by complex spatial filtering. IEEE transactions on Information, Vol. 10, (1964), p. 139.
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