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There may be a great deal of contentious linguistic issues in any foreign language you research, and English isn't an exception. You will find common errors in English which are made by novice and advanced students as well. Here you will find the most widespread issues in order to analyze them. Bear in mind the principles and make your oral and written speech perfect.

The most frequent grammatical mistakes are associated with Tenses in English. The Past Perfect (in addition to most of Perfects Tenses) is one of the most difficult issues where you can make a mistake. Students are also frequently confused with the usage of internet forms, especially when the second and the third form are exactly the same.

It's also wise to remember that there are a number of phrases in English the meanings and spellings of that are almost equal but there are still gaps. In this case, you should just keep in mind these words and try to not confuse them. In summary, students are often mistaken in definite and indefinite article usage. In order to avoid this problem, try to recall all the collocations which are used with the definite article