Journal History

Opening Writing Doors Journal (OWDJ) is led by the Research Group in Foreign Languages (GRILEX) at the Foreign Language Program at the Universidad de Pamplona. Although Opening Writing Doors Journal (OWDJ) was created as a paper publication aimed at making known end-of-semester products of FL students at the Universidad de Pamplona, now as an on-line and Open Access peer-reviewed journal, OWD is wide-open for others who wish to publish their current, in progress and completed research on "Learning and Teaching foreign languages" issues. This Journal created as a paper-based publication in 2002, has served as a way to publish FL students’ at the Universidad de Pamplona end-of-the semester writing products. However, thorough its eight issues, not only students but professors at FL program have published several articles on a varied areas that range from poetry, short reflections, descriptions and personal insights.