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Rosalee Latricia

Resumen biográfico

When an individual presents an Energy Healer with a health problem or dis-ease the Energy Healer is able to work with the energies associated with that illness or dis-ease to assist bring about a resolution. Not all Medical Intuitive is Energy Healers and not all Energy Healers are Medical Intuitive even though they might have overlapping abilities. When a Medical Intuitive/ Energy Healer is provided with an illness or dis-ease he/she is not just able to help make changes in the energies surrounding the disease or dis-ease, but they are likewise able to help guide the private to the initial source of the health problem or dis-ease. Master Energy Healers sees the person in the energy field and with the individual's permission, they are able to initiate changes to their energy field producing direct changes to the person. Because the work is being done directly in the energy field with pure energy the results are far more permanent and exceptionally powerful with no disturbance from the Master Energy Healer.
