Perfil de usuario/a

Donald Ladawn

Resumen biográfico

5 percent fat loss|less} for {one|a single} {{year|calendar {year|12 months}|12 months}, {those|people|individuals} {who|that} {lost|dropped} 5 to {10|ten} {percent|per cent}|{year|calendar {year|12 months}|12 months}} {lowered their risk|lower their danger} {{{for|of} metabolic syndrome by|by} 22 {percent|per cent}|by 22 {percent|per cent} {for|of} metabolic syndrome}. {A {15|1-5} to 19 {percent|percentage} {loss|decrease} was|There was A {15|1-5} to 19 {percent|percentage} {loss|decrease}} {associated|correlated} with {a 37 {percent|per cent} lower|a} {risk|hazard}, and {those|people|individuals} who {maintained|claimed} a {loss|lack} {of|in} {20 {percent|per cent} or {more|even more}|{more|even more} or 20 {percent|per cent}} {had|experienced} {a 53 {percent|per cent} lower|a} {risk|hazard}. {The {study|Analysis} {is|is currently} {in|from|at} the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. |} {Only|Just} 5.5 {percent|percentage} of {the|those|these} participants {succeeded in|triumphed} {holding|carrying} a 20 {percent|per cent} or {greater|increased} weight {loss|reduction} for {one|a single} {year|yr|calendar year}.

In comparison to people who claimed less when compared to a