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Grayce Schechter

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In this day and age, if you're not stressed out there'should' be something wrong with you. High levels of stress in our everyday lives is the standard for almost all of us. Luckily with this creation, there are many means to de-stress--travel, yoga, exercise, movies, dining and much more, but when it comes to shrugging off life's daily grind and compensating for this toxic combination of stress and anxiety, nothing beats a fantastic massage. Apart from feeling so damn good, massage supplies us with a number of meaningful health benefits you may not know about. Here are 10 ways your body reacts to a massage and making massage a health habit is a great idea for prolonged health and well-being. 1. Improves Blood Circulation A pain in the shoulders and the neck can be a consequence of postural pressure -- you get it from sitting too much at your desk job or in the home. Whenever you don't stretch much, walk , and it often, you compromise your own body's blood circulation. This also leads to a bad immune system and slow digestion among other chronic diseases. You can help get your flow back on track by incorporating a normal massage into your routine to counteract that"sitting" energy. According to Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center, exercise is great but a massage to your body is equally as beneficial in stimulating blood flow which will help keep your immune and digestive functions going easily. 2. Relaxes Muscular Tension Too much stress contributes to muscular strain. Got stiffening thighs or sore muscles? The Annals of Internal Medicine published a study in 2011 finishing that getting a massage can be particularly helpful in treating chronic spine pain. A good massage therapist will have a full quiver of techniques to help bring back muscles to their own natural supple, healthful state. 3. Combatting Anxiety and Depression Hippocrates described a massage because the"art of touching" because human touch can alter lives or it can just be relaxing. When happy hormones have been triggered and neuromuscular pathways are calmed, depression and anxiety are significantly diminished. 4. Sleep Better If your blood circulation improves, you are feeling calmer and more relaxed -- as in the event that you've just been rejuvenated. You can't help but have a much better perspective. When your mind is apparent after a fantastic massage, you'll indulge in deep and long sleep. Even infants who have no worries in the world sleep better and longer when massaged properly, according to a study from the University of Warwick. 5. Strengthens Immunity According to the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, people who get regular massages have better immune capabilities according to a study at 2010 conducted among HIV patients. When you are stressed you're more prone to viruses and diseases. 6. Soothes Headaches Instinct will tell you to rub or apply pressure on an aching section of your body or head to relieve the pain so the next time you get struck by a terrible headache it is possible to self-massage or someone can do it for you, either a loved one or a professional. 7. Get that Skin Glowing As blood flow dramatically improves simply by massage your face or body so will your skin. 8. Invigorate your senses There are days when you just appear weak and dead. It can be a combination of life's drudgery both physical and psychological so how do you fight back? Try reserving a massage. Massage therapy has been demonstrated to help rebalance not just a person's own body, but their mind, and soul as well. We have all experienced at one time the sensation of being"centered", that everything was right with the world. 9. Connect on your own You will find depressed people, there are anxious men and women. There are also those who look diverted and isolated from the world or themselves. Did you know that regular excursions to your massage therapist can get you to the zen zone? That zone of relaxation and solitude wherever your worries are being kneaded away. 10. Improves Your Body Flexibility Most athletes never skip a massage. It is because it attracts therapeutic relief in their system and enhances their flexibility which is vital for agility, or only a break from the world of competition. Whether you're an athlete, a confused millennial, a hard-working mother, a busy business owner or a simple-minded nature lover, you can use a non-invasive, humanistic, heart-warming massage. In short, we are living in a stressful world. A straightforward and effective massage will help relieve the growing tension in our lives.

10 Ways Massage Can Improve Wellness